Motohiko Ito伊藤東彦
ITO incorporates a unique Nunome(cloth pattern) technique to effectively bring expression to the vessel surface. His works with natural plants and flowers such as camellias, pines, lotus, figs, and cedar mountains on a cloth-grained ground are representative of this artist.
As a ceramic artist, he has continued to challenge new forms of expression unconstrained by traditional forms.


1939 | Born in in Fukuoka Prefecture |
1966 | Graduated form Tokyo University of the Arts, majored in ceramics |
1974 | Became a regular member of the Japan Industrial Arts Association |
1988 | Served as an examiner at the Japan Traditional Crafts Exhibition |
1990 | Exhibited at the new "Tea" figurative art exhibition to pioneer the next generation |


1967 | Selected for Contemporary Craft Exhibition |
1973 | Selected for the New Traditional Craft Exhibition, Japan Traditional Craft Exhibition |
1975 | Awarded the Encouragement Award at the Musashino Traditional Craft Exhibition |
1984 | Awarded the Asahi Newspaper Award at the Japan Traditional Crafts Exhibition |
1999 | Awarded the Medal with Purple Ribbon |