Toukou Kakinuma柿沼東光
1948- Traditional Craftsman
Toukou Kakinuma has presented ornaments of the imperial family and folkloric dolls in splendid colors. In particular, he has learned unique techniques such as mother-of-pearl inlay and colored two-robed Mokumekomi dolls, and has established a new Toukou brand with his style of creating innovative products by always keeping an eye on the "present" of the times while striving to improve his techniques.


1948 | Born in Arakawa-ku, Tokyo in September |
1971 | Began to study under Yoshitoku Daimitsu Co., Ltd |
1974 | Began to study under Traditional Craftsman Toukou Kakinuma I, and since then devoted to making Edo Kimekomi dolls |


2006 | Traditional Crafts Industry Merit Award |
2006 | Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Director's Award |
2008 | Japan Traditional Craftsmen Association Distinguished Service Award |
2008 | Governor of Tokyo Award (Industrial Promotion Achievement) |
2009 | Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award (Traditional Craft Industry Promotion) |