Satoshi Uetake植竹敏
UETAKE uses Kakiotoshi, or Sgraffito, and Zogan carving and inlaying techniques on the surface of the pieces to create patterns and designs that express the swelling, diffusion, and movement of ephemeral formless energy within the world of nature.


1956 | Born in Tuchiura City, Ibaraki |
1984 | Built his own kiln at Tukuba City |
1996 | Made the ceramic-wall of Shinonome-Station (Tokyo rinkai kousoku Railway) |
2004 | Work purchased by New Orleans Museum of Art |


1995 | Selected for Japan Traditional Art and Crafts Festival (97/99/03/06/07/10/12/13/15/16/17) |
1998 | Awarded the Mainichi-taisho Prize at Ceramic Exhibition of North Kanto |
1999 | Selected for Japan Ceramic Exhibition(01/11) |
2015 | Awarded the Itaya Hazan prize at Ibaraki Prefectural Art Festival |